DevExpress Web controls generates callback to refresh the controls and pass data between events. When we using some Callback panel or ASPxGridView callbacks event methods then we cannot call Respose.Redirect method to navigate between pages. If we use these methods then it will raise exception.
To avoid these exception use the ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback method to rather than pages.Response.Redirect() because it does not work in a callback. Let you have created a callback with “MYCallback_Callback” event handler method then at the callback method you should use below ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback method to redirect on another page.
DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback("~/MyPage.aspx?id="+ e.Parameter);
You will not be able to use Response.Redirect () or Server.Transfer () in a callback to check if the control has a client event can be used instead, if this event can use window.location.replace("MyPage.aspx"), using JavaScript on the client to move to another page.
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